About The Church
Clearwater Baptist Church was founded in 2007 in Piedmont, Missouri. The church has undergone many changes over the years, but the desire to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ has remained the same. We welcome all people because, as scripture states, the people are the church. Like some of the early churches in the bible, Clearwater Baptist is an elder-driven church with a pastor as the leader. As you will see, we seek the Holy Spirit to lead our church and continually seek God’s will as we grow and share His message.
Bill Turner
Rick Thompson
David Crites
Our Beliefs
Clearwater Baptist Church is aligned with the Baptist denomination but is not directly affiliated with a specific Baptist entity. We believe that the Holy Bible is the inherent word of God and is to be preached boldly, separated from man’s opinions. As a church, we believe that Jesus Christ (The Son of God) willingly died upon the cross, paying the ultimate sacrifice for all sins and allowing us a gateway to heaven through His sinless blood. Through scripture, our church believes that we can all have salvation with repentance, acceptance of Jesus’ death and resurrection, and God’s endless grace. As a people saved by faith, we are gifted with the Holy Spirit in our hearts to guide us in the Christian life. This Christian life is a journey not meant to be traveled alone, so we have been called to make up the Church, a “body” of believers serving God and serving others. It is our responsibility to reflect the life of Jesus on our own, constantly growing in our faith together. We believe Clearwater Baptists and Christians everywhere are called to be brothers and sisters through the undeserving love of Christ and seek out others to join us in our walk of faith with our Savior. As you consider membership, we ask that you look at our church bylaws for more specific directions to our beliefs, and please feel free to approach the Pastor and Church Elders for further questions and clarifications.
Our Goals
Clearwater Baptist Church has one simple goal given to us through the Word of God: spread God’s word. Our church and our leaders constantly seek the will of God as our church grows and look for new avenues to do this as Jesus did. We will teach God’s word to further understanding, strengthen faith, and encourage each other through a life of constant difficulties. We will love and serve our God through the obedience of His word and the direction of His Holy Spirit. We humbly serve all people with the same love Jesus showed us. We believe God will bless Clearwater Baptist Church with growth and unity, and with that, the responsibilities and duties inside our church will also grow. We pray that our members will find a place to serve inside the church so we can more effectively work together to reach more people. We cannot work for our salvation, but we have been called to use our skills and abilities to glorify God, and it takes people from all walks of life to do so as one. We will put our path in the hands of God with open hearts and constant prayers. We ultimately want our goals to be those of God’s and look forward to seeing how He will use Clearwater Baptist Church in the future.
What To Expect
As a member of Clearwater Baptist Church, you will be joining a church family. As a family, we will strengthen each other with love and gentleness and hold each other accountable. Our leaders and teachers will be held to an even higher level of accountability to ensure they wholeheartedly seek God’s will inside their leadership positions. Overall, the entire church’s responsibility and privilege is to tenderly provide guidance and direction through God’s word to each other. This accountability is not to be judgmental but to only help each grow closer to our Lord. As a member, you will not be required to serve in the church, but it is encouraged as we believe you will be blessed to be a part of the working body of Christ and strengthen relationships with those around you. You will also not be required to be baptized in the church to become a member. We believe the act of baptism is a personal decision to proclaim your faith publicly and is not to be confused with the act of church membership. After reading this information and talking with our church leaders, we hope and pray that this church is a blessing to you and your family. We pray that even if Clearwater Baptist Church membership is not for you, God will direct you to a church where you can be used for His glory. Thank you for seeking God’s guidance, and we look forward to growing in faith with you.